Therapy for Postpartum Moms
Your little one is here! But, just as you’re beginning to settle in at home, life seems to be caving in on you. You don’t feel connected to your baby and you’re nervous you might do something to hurt them. It’s scary having these thoughts while also being constantly worried about their well-being. You’re so overwhelmed and anxious you find it impossible to relax or enjoy this special time, and the unsolicited advice from others is making you second guess if you’re doing anything right.
This wasn’t supposed to be so hard. Other moms make it look easy. Why isn’t it working out for you?
Doubt starts to creep in about your role as a mother. You don’t recognize the person staring back at you in the mirror and often question why you chose this for yourself. Basic self-care has taken a back seat. It’s been days since you’ve eaten a full meal, showered, or slept well. You have a lot guilt and shame that you’ve let yourself, your baby, and everyone else down. Sadness and frustration may be causing you to isolate or lash out at the ones you love most.
I know what it’s like to feel this way because I’ve been down that road. You are not alone. You do not have to navigate this difficult journey by yourself.
1 in 5 women experience postpartum mood or anxiety disorders. Go back and read that again. It’s estimated that 75% of mothers do not receive any type of treatment for these concerns. There's a common belief in our society that suffering as a mom is normal. It may be true that many moms face these challenges, but that doesn’t mean you have to settle for it as your new reality.